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This site is dedicated to providing learning resources for trainees on stroke rehabilitation rotations. Although the topics are mostly focused towards medical trainees (both undergraduate and postgraduate), they can also be applicable to other healthcare professions.


This site is meant for trainee education purposes only and is not meant for patient or caregiver education. If you are a patient or caregiver, please consider clicking the link below to visit our patient and caregiver education site. Neither of these sites are intended to provide healthcare advice, and education should always be provided in the context of regular visits with your healthcare provider.

Each block below represents a core stroke topic. Within each block are resources related to the topic including presentations (such as powerpoint slides or handouts), and links to other references such as journal articles, videos and websites. These resources are not meant to be comprehensive, but rather a succinct/curated repository of information that is relevant for trainees.

Please let us know how you are using the site and if you have any feedback. Please consider becoming an author or donating to keep this site up to date and functional. If you are a staff physician and interested in stroke rehabilitation related OSCE and MCQ questions, please contact us below.

For further information please checkout the homepage: 


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Dr. Alexandra Rendely


Dr. Rendely completed her B.A&Sc. undergraduate degree from McGill University. She worked in sports journalism before attending medical school at McMaster University. She then spent five years at the University of Toronto receiving specialized rehabilitation training as a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation resident. During her time in residency she simultaneously completed a yearlong program in health journalism through the Dalla Lana School of Public Health. Dr. Rendely works in the area of complex musculoskeletal rehabilitation across UHN sites.

Dr. Heather MacNeill


Dr. MacNeill is the Medical Director of Stroke Rehabilitation for Sinai Health System. She is a staff Physiatrist at Bridgepoint Active Healthcare. At the same time, she also co-instructs Educational Technologies for Health Career Professionals. Previously, she acted as Director of Medical Education at Bridgepoint and as Director of COIL-collaborative online inter-professional learning/ research. She has been an invited lecturer at Edutech, Centre for Faculty Development, Master's Teacher and INTACPT (inter-professional applied practical teaching and learning in the health professions). 

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Tiffany Got

Medical Student

Tiffany Got is a fourth year medical student at the University of Toronto. 


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