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Learn About Us

This site is dedicated to providing learning resources for trainees on stroke rehabilitation rotations. Although the topics are mostly focused towards medical trainees (both undergraduate and postgraduate), they can also be applicable to other healthcare professions.


This site is meant for trainee education purposes only and is not meant for patient or caregiver education. If you are a patient or caregiver, please consider clicking the link below to visit our patient and caregiver education site. Neither of these sites are intended to provide healthcare advice, and education should always be provided in the context of regular visits with your healthcare provider.


Each block below represents a core stroke topic. Within each block are resources related to the topic including presentations (such as powerpoint slides or handouts), and links to other references such as journal articles, videos and websites. These resources are not meant to be comprehensive, but rather a succinct/curated repository of information that is relevant for trainees.


Please let us know how you are using the site and if you have any feedback. Please consider becoming an author or donating to keep this site up to date and functional. If you are a staff physician and interested in stroke rehabilitation related OSCE and MCQ questions, please contact us below.

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Stroke Rehab Topics

Stroke Syndromes
Dr Heather MacNeill
Dept PM&R,  Sinai Health System
Assoc Prof, Dept of Medicine
University of Toronto

Secondary Stroke Prevention
Dr Alexandra Rendely
Dept of PM&R,UHN
Lecturer, Dept of Medicine University of Toronto 

Co- Author:
Dr. Heather MacNeill

Apraxia and Neglect
Dr. Stephen Szeto
nt, PM&R 
University of Toronto

Co- Author:

Dr Audrey Yap

Dept of PM&R, Sinai Health System

Lecturer, Dept of Medicine

University of Toronto


Spasticity and Synergy Patterns


Dr Melissa Weidman

University of Toronto


Co- Author:

Dr. Denyse Richardson

Dept PM&R, UHN

Assoc Prof, Dept of Medicine

 University of Toronto


Dr. Chris Wavell
Resident, PM&R University of Toronto

Co- Author:

Ryan Wood, SLP Reg. CASLPO

Alana Pearlman, SLP Reg. CASLPO

Post Stroke Shoulder Pain
Dr. Sarah Frehlich
University of

Co- Author:
Dr. Gentson Leung
Alberta Health Services
Director PM&R Residency
Assist Prof, Dept of Medicine
University of Calgary

Principles of Neurorecovery and Prognosis
Tiffany Got

PM&R Resident
University of Toronto

Co- Author
Dr Alexandra Rendely
Dept of PM&R, UHN
Lecturer, Dept of Medicine
University of Toronto

Home: Event

Other Stroke Rehab Topics

Various Authors

Neurological Exam

This website is used as part of ICE-2 teaching and has various links to normal and abnormal neurological exam findings

Orientation documents -Bridgepoint site

Home: News


Add to your colleagues' learning while building your resume!

At Stroke Rehab Education, we are always looking for high quality contributors. Your contributions will be peer reviewed before being accepted to the site. In order to be considered, each submission must:
1. Fit one of the core teaching topics/blocks on this site that states "open authorship" (see green boxes above)
2. Be co-authored or edited by at least one practicing physician or healthcare professional in the area of stroke rehabilitation
3. All images must be referenced. Use copyright free images such as from pixabay, flickr or other healthcare sites such as radiopedia. Any images not referenced or free from copyright cannot be used.
4. Include postings in each of 4 categories: presentation(s), article links/references, media/video, other resources/links

5. Be succint (curated information), referenced, relevant and up to date.

Once approved for authorship, you will be granted editing rights to the site to upgrade material as you wish. After 3 years, you will have the choice to maintain authorship/upgrade your materials or request that another author take over the block.

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"If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves"

Thomas Edison

Doctors Looking at X- Rays
Home: Quote

Contact Us

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Bridgepoint Active Healthcare, Sinai Health System

1 Bridgepoint Dr.
Toronto, M4M 2B5

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Author: Dr. Alex Gasser
Resident, PM&R
University of Toronto


Co- Author:

Dr Audrey Yap

Dept of PM&R, Sinai Health System

Lecturer, Dept of Medicine

University of Toronto

Mood Changes Post Stroke
Open Authorship
Co- Author:

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