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Outcome Measures

Orpington Prognostic Scale

Purpose: Stratify stroke severity at baseline.

Components: motor deficit (arm), proprioception, cognition, balance

Functional Independence Measure

Purpose: Assess physical and cognitive disability. 

Components: 6 areas of function  (self-care, sphincter control, transfers, locomotion, communication, social cognition)

*Alpha FIM  used in acute care 

Barthel Index

Purpose: Assess independence in self-care activities.

Components: Personal care (8 items) and mobility (2 items)

Modified Rankin Scale

Purpose:  Level of Independence compared to pre-stroke function.  

Components: Single rating on global functional independence 

Berg Balance Scale

Purpose: Assessment of balance impairment 

Components: Functional tests of balance and movement

Chedoke McMaster Stroke Assessment Scale

Purpose: Assesses physical impairment and disability.

Components: Impairment Inventory and Activity Inventory 


Canadian Stroke Best Practices

Refer to Section 2 for a description of the components of a stroke rehabilitation unit and team. 

Refer to Section 2 for characteristics of inpatient stroke rehabilitation programs. 

EBRSR Clinician's Handbook

Refer to Section 2.1-2.3 for mechanisms and predictors of recovery.

EBRSR Evidence Review

Refer to Chapter 3, particularly sections 2.2-3.5 for a summary of neurorecovery and sections 3.6-3.7 for prognosis. 

High-yield summaries are available at the end of each chapter. 


Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review (Cuccurullo)

Refer to Chapter 1 for the section on Stroke Rehabilitation. Textbook provides an overview of prognostics factors, time course, and extent of recovery.

WHO International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health

A multidimensional framework for classifying health and health-related states. The primary domains include body functions, body structures, activities and participation, and environmental factors.

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