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National Stroke Association - Spasticity Informational Video


Introductory video geared towards patients and caregivers

The following 2 videos are helpful for understanding the background and pathways involved in spasticity and upper motor neuron (UMN) syndrome components

Introduction to Reflex Arc Pathways (right)


Reflex Definition (0:11)

Deep Tendon Reflexes (0;30)

Reflex arcs (0:58)

Classification of Reflexes (1:56)

Monosynaptic Reflexes (2:53)

Muscle Tone & Spasticity (6:05)

Polysynaptic Reflexes (7:07)

Plantar Response (Babinski, 11:56)

Introduction to Upper and Lower Motor
Neuron Syndromes (left)


Anatomy (0:00-2:00)

Motor pathways and tracts (2:00-4:35)

UMN vs. LMN (4:35-5:23)

UMN lesions (5:23-6:30)

Clinical Findings (6:31)

Spasticity vs. Rigidity (Courtesy of Stanford Skills Symposium 2015)


Pearls for physical examination and how to distinguish between spasticity and rigidity 


Spasticity (1:05)

Rigidity (1:39)

How to Assess for Spasticity (Courtesy of Spinal Cord Injury Research Evidence [SCIRE])


What is the Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS) and how to use it

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